Central Public School Code of Conduct
At Central Public School, respect and responsibility are of the utmost importance. All school staff, students, parents and community members are expected to:
- Value learning and maintain high expectations;
- Work together to provide a safe learning environment;
- Promote a bully-free environment (bullying is repeated intimidating and aggressive words and/or actions);
- Respect authority;
- Respect the rights and property of others;
- Respect differences and opinions;
- Be honest.
Students must:
- Come to school on time, prepared and ready to learn;
- Follow rules and take responsibility for your actions.
Parents/guardians must:
- Help your children be well-rested, well-fed, appropriately dressed and prepared for school;
- Make sure your children attend school daily;
- Respect school hours which are 9:00 am to 3:20 pm.
- Students should not arrive before 8:50 am, and should be picked up promptly at 3:20 pm.
- Report all absences and late arrivals to the office: 613-932-0857.
Posted September 2017