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School Handbook:

School handbook information is included in the student agendas. 

To access all of the documents in the handbook, please follow 
this link.

Safe Arrival Program & Late Students

To ensure the safety of our students, we have a safe arrival program at Central Public School. If you know your child is going to be late or your child is ill, please telephone the school (613-932-0857) before 9:00 a.m. If you wish, you can leave a message on the answering machine the night before or early in the morning. Please make sure we have up-to-date phone numbers and emergency numbers. If you have not informed us and your child is not in school by 9:00 a.m. we will need to contact you. Late students must report to the office for a late slip before proceeding to their class, so we know your child is in school. This avoids unnecessary phone calls home.

School Newsletters

Each family in the school receives a copy of our monthly newsletter. This newsletter is a major communication link from the school to home and will keep you informed of upcoming events and celebrate our accomplishments. You can also get a copy of the newsletter on our school website.

Social Media

Please also visit our Central Public School Facebook page

Labeling Clothes

Each year many sweaters, mitts, boots, etc. are lost by the children. Although we have a "lost and found" area, many of these items are never claimed. We urge parents to write your child's name on their clothing - especially shoes and winter or rubber boots.

Inclement Weather School Bus Cancellation

Unless otherwise announced, schools will remain open for students and staff even if transportation is cancelled. If Transportation is cancelled in the morning, afternoon transportation will not operate. Please note that transportation means all school buses and special transportation vans. On inclement weather days, any community use of schools will also be cancelled (including Boys and Girls Club after school programs). There are two methods to check for bus cancellations:

Announcements regarding the cancellation of school bus and special vehicle transportation will be broadcasted starting at 6:15 a.m. on area radio stations. These stations are:

  • ROCK - Cornwall 101.9 FM
  • Variety - Cornwall 104.5 FM
  • The Jewel - Cornwall 1220 AM

You can access the STEO (Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario) website at - cancellations will be indicated at the top right of the webpage by 6:15 a.m.

School Parking & Dropping Off Children

The school bus lane to the side of the parking lot on the Amelia Street side must remain unobstructed for our buses before and after school. Parents may park in our parking lot on Third Street as well as along Amelia Street. Your cooperation with this request is greatly appreciated and will make our traffic flow as safe and manageable as possible. We also ask that you yield to departing buses. Whether you are dropping off your child at school in the morning or picking them up at the end of the school day [3:20pm] - please ensure that safety is paramount for all children.

Early Dismissal or Departure and Sign Out

If you wish to have your child dismissed early or are making a change to your child's regular home time routine (e.g., picking up a child who usually takes the bus), please send a note to the teacher, or call the school. Please report to the office to pick up your child and sign out your child in the book at the office. The school will ensure the child is ready to be picked up at the specified time. If one parent does not have access to the child, please make sure you contact the school so we have been informed.

Students are not permitted to leave school property during school hours unless they are accompanied by a parent/guardian. Special circumstances may be considered by the principal or the designate.

Any student who normally walks to and from school who may need to go home early will need to be picked up at the school by their parents or designate. This measure will further ensure that your child arrives home safely.

Central Public School Code of Conduct

At Central Public School, respect and responsibility are of the utmost importance. All school staff, students, parents and community members are expected to:

  • Value learning and maintain high expectations;
  • Work together to provide a safe learning environment;
  • Promote a bully-free environment (bullying is repeated intimidating and aggressive words and/or actions);
  • Respect authority;
  • Respect the rights and property of others;
  • Respect differences and opinions;
  • Be honest.

Students must:

  • Come to school on time, prepared and ready to learn;
  • Follow rules and take responsibility for your actions.

Parents/guardians must:

  • Help your children be well-rested, well-fed, appropriately dressed and prepared for school;
  • Make sure your children attend school daily;
  • Respect school hours which are 9:00 am to 3:20 pm.
  • Students should not arrive before 8:50 am, and should be picked up promptly at 3:20 pm.
  • Report all absences and late arrivals to the office: 613-932-0857.

School Dress Code

  • Only respectful, age appropriate clothes are acceptable at Central Public School. A change is required if clothing is found to be inappropriate or offensive.
  • Appropriate clothing and footwear are required for gym activities.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Indoor and outdoor shoes are required.

Policy on Electronic Devices

Due to recent issues with students using cell phones and taking digital photos and videos at school without permission, we have had to revisit our school policy on electronic devices. Our new electronics policy, effective immediately, is as follows:

Students are permitted from time to time to use personal electronic devices; however, while these items are at school or on the bus they are the responsibility of the student. The school will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged items.

Students are permitted to have cell phones at Central Public with restricted access for real life emergencies. Student cell phones must be kept in book bags at all times. The first mode of communication should be through the school phone system. Any parents/guardians needing to contact or speak with their child(ren) at school may do so through the office. Any students needing to call home may get permission to do so through their classroom teacher and/or the office. Students are reminded that the office phone is not to be used to make after-school social plans.

Although students may be permitted to use cameras, or other devices with audio or video recording capability for certain teacher-planned academic activities, any non-approved use of recording devices will result in immediate confiscation. Should this happen, parents/guardians will be contacted and will need to make arrangements to pick up the confiscated device at the school office.

iPods and hand-held video games are not being banned at this time; however, please be aware that, with the sole exception of specific teacher-planned academic activities, the use of these devices must be strictly limited to recess time. Any use of these devices in class, for texting, or for taking digital photos or videos without teacher permission, will result in their immediate confiscation. Should this happen, parents/guardians will be contacted and will need to make arrangements to pick up the confiscated device at the school office.

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